Carlos Souza
💪 I started the Strong Man Protocol a week ago and I’m already seeing results! It has increased my energy and disposition. I highly recommend it!
My mission is to show you why you finish too quickly, to prove to you that it’s not your fault, and to demonstrate how to have longer-lasting relationships by simply flipping a switch in your brain.
Photo: Shutterstock
Imagine that you’ve successfully dated that gorgeous woman, just the way you like, whether at work, at university, or even on a dating app. You had a few dates, and it went so well that you decided to take it to the next level. You had to prove your worth in bed. But the big problem is that at the crucial moment, the ‘goal’ came before the warm-up even started. You didn’t even have time to really get into the game. You reached ecstasy too quickly, leaving your partner unsatisfied; everyone ended up frustrated.
You found yourself there, looking at her, feeling sheepish and ashamed, wishing you could turn back time and never have gone out that night. Well, I know what that’s like. But seriously, I understand how disastrous and devastating this can be in a man’s life. That feeling of doubt as soon as you meet someone new, that lack of self-esteem thinking you’ll never be able to satisfy anyone, that shame of having to look someone in the eye and tell them you once again ‘finished’ too quickly.
But don’t panic! I’ve discovered something that can help you starting today, so keep reading this article until the end. It’s simple, yet different from anything you’ve seen before.
Your main problem comes from a system unconsciously programmed by your own brain. This system detects a certain level of tension in your body, thus activating your alert state. You become tense. And the quickest way your mind knows to relieve that tension is through orgasm.
This is what you taught your brain by masturbating to pornography. Every time you were tense or anxious, you ‘relieved’ yourself to reduce that tension. That’s why you ejaculate quickly. Your brain, or rather your mind, seeks to relieve all the sexual tension generated before the relationship even begins.
Photo: Shutterstock
It may sound strange, but it’s not difficult to turn off that ‘circuit breaker’ in your brain and body to start having a more fulfilling sex life. Once you do this, not only will you last longer in your relationships, but you’ll also be able to achieve a firmer, more rigid erection for a much longer duration.
You will notice an increase in your sexual energy, and you’ll be able to spend an entire night of pleasure with your partner, sharing multiple orgasms. This will boost your libido, giving you even more desire to make love, as you’ll feel more confident. You will gain confidence through increased self-esteem, not just in an intimate relationship, but in all areas of your life.
A man who feels confident in bed feels confident in all aspects of his life. You’ll have more sex, both in quantity and quality, because no one will want to let you go, knowing that you know how to bring pleasure. I know this may sound too good to be true, but the truth is, yes, it’s possible, and I’m going to show you in just three short minutes how you can achieve it right now.
My name is James, and I am a hypnotherapist specializing in helping men suffering from psychological erectile dysfunction or psychological premature ejaculation, as well as the dreaded performance anxiety. I’ve had the opportunity to help many people like you who are facing this serious problem.
It all started when I was still seeing clients in person in my office. One day, a twenty-one-year-old young man came to see me because he couldn’t have a sexual relationship that wasn’t a complete disaster. To protect this young man’s identity, I’ll give him a fictitious name: Isaac. Isaac was a healthy, even athletic young man.
He trained at the gym, played soccer every Thursday, and on top of that, he had a girlfriend his age. She might not have had a model’s body, but she wasn’t an unattractive woman either. This young man came to me desperate and filled with shame. Isaac told me I was his last attempt and that he couldn’t stand the frustration of being unable to please his partner.
He also confided in me that every time, he felt worse and worse at the moment of the act. Isaac admitted that he didn’t even want to leave his house anymore. He had become increasingly introverted, increasingly insecure… He had ultimately become a sad person, with low self-esteem and full of insecurities. That’s why I promised him that I would help him. We talked for about an hour.
Photo: Shutterstock
The initial consultation ended, and I asked him to come back the following week because I would explain how to finally get rid of psychological premature ejaculation for good. I already knew the cause of his problem, as well as that of the majority of men who suffer from premature ejaculation.
Generally, it stems from a negative episode you experienced in bed with someone, generating an emotional trauma that haunts you the next times you try to have a relationship, or simply from intense anxiety before engaging in sexual relations due to performance expectations.
For our body, the natural state is one of balance, both emotionally and physically. In other words, heart rate, breathing, and muscle contractions should be at a balanced and normal level. The big problem is that you cannot maintain this level of balance when you have trauma or a very high level of anxiety.
What I’m going to tell you now may sound strange, but during sex, you suffer from premature ejaculation because your body enters a state of alert, as if facing danger. This is related to the fear you feel about finishing too quickly, the fear of ejaculating prematurely. This fear triggers this state of alert, as if you were facing an imminent danger.
What is this danger? The danger of finishing too soon, the danger of finishing quickly. Your body activates the alert instinct, and this instinct that triggers when you are about to have a relationship is our animal defense instinct.
At that moment, your brain thinks of nothing but trying to get you out of this sexual relationship as quickly as possible to return to that state of balance. And do you know how your mind gets you out of this situation? Through orgasm.
This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is our relaxation system. And by ejaculating too quickly, your brain thinks it is helping you restore balance, escaping this threat. It’s the most effective way your body finds to lower the heart rate, relax the muscles, and restore your balance.
So, when you start the relationship tense, anxious, with fears about your performance, the best way your body finds to relax is actually to bring you to orgasm quickly in a few seconds.
I think you understand. Once you reach orgasm, your body is completely relaxed, your heart rate slows down, your muscles relax, and sometimes you even feel sleepy. It is common for you to fall asleep a few minutes after, or to feel that sense of “lightness,” as you enter a very deep state of relaxation.
You understand what’s happening, right? In some cases, the level of tension is so high that the person feels stomach pains before or even during the act.
But well, you now understand why you reach orgasm so quickly and know that it is not your fault, right? After all, it is an emotional defense mechanism that leads you to ejaculate too quickly. It’s unconscious, automatic!
Now, I will tell you how to change this scenario. After learning this, you will have more confidence to go all the way with anyone. And honestly, it doesn’t matter your age or physical condition; this is a problem that can occur in men of any age, at any stage of life, precisely because we are talking about the emotional aspect!
For many years, I have been able to help many people overcome this problem through hypnotherapy consultations, which is my specialty. I applied a method of hypnosis and self-hypnosis that immediately addressed any association of danger and tension with the sexual moment of a couple.
It is essentially a mental reprogramming that is done in an induced and completely safe manner. And don’t worry, my work has nothing to do with religion or any ritual. That’s not it. It may even seem a little crazy to solve a problem like psychological premature ejaculation with hypnotherapy, right? Does it really work?
And yes, it works! There are treatments for various issues using hypnotherapy, and that’s how we were able to help over 50,000 men with our method. That’s precisely what has made me highly sought after by men experiencing difficulties in their intimate lives.
Then, the pandemic began, and I had to close my clinic for a few weeks, actually for months. It was during this time that I spent days trying to figure out how I could reach more people with my hypnotherapy treatment remotely, via the internet.
I started offering consultations via video conference, and the results were still very good. People came back to thank me and tell me how their sex lives had improved thanks to the treatment.
But even though I could help more people via video conference, I was not satisfied. I then decided to halve my consultations.
Every time a new person came in for a consultation, I offered the same hypnotherapy service, but through a recorded training program. In this training, the steps were exactly the same but at a much lower price, because it was recorded and self-applicable.
This allowed me to test whether I could indeed help people, even without being face-to-face with them. Some had difficulties, others didn’t even try. But I didn’t give up. During this time, I adjusted all the flaws until I created the training I am most proud of today. This product became so successful that people stopped coming to ask for consultations and instead inquired about how to access this self-applicable training.
Before I knew it, people from other countries were seeking this method for premature ejaculation. This is how the STRONG MAN Protocol was born, the only online self-applicable therapeutic training capable of addressing serious issues like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation at their root.
The protocol is divided into just 3 modules so that you get results as quickly as possible.
Module 1 is called Detoxification of the Sexual Unconscious. In this module, you will go through a deep process of cleaning mental patterns related to sex that hinder you: traumas, fears, blockages, and insecurities — those famous emotional blockages — and of course, all the emotional burden brought by excessive pornography consumption and the unsuccessful attempts you have had so far.
It is at this stage that it is essential for you to free yourself from that survival instinct that emerges at the wrong time. Do you remember that it is the main cause? It is in this Module 1 that many participants report considerable improvements in their endurance.
Module 2 is called Awakening the Sleeping Giant. In this module, you will awaken the most primitive part of your mind, activating a wild mechanism that sees sex as a means of reproduction of the species.
It is at this stage that you rediscover your most primitive instinct, that you smell female pheromones, and that you become more aware of your five senses. You will be even more attentive and ready to meet a good partner. This instinctive side is imprisoned within us.
But take it slow, because in Module 2, it is very likely that your partner will be surprised, even shocked, by the changes in your attitude and performance.
Module 3, called Activating the STRONG MAN Protocol, will teach you how to activate and deactivate this instinctive reproductive mechanism through exercises that will affect the deepest part of your mind.
You will be able to fully control your sexual instinct.
All modules of the method include step-by-step videos and specific hypnotherapy sessions for each stage of the process, as well as a complete guide with all the steps you will need to follow daily.
This is a self-applicable protocol that you can carry out without speaking to anyone, with all the confidentiality and security you need.
None of these steps are difficult. It will take you no more than 20 minutes a day to perform the technique I developed after 10 years of clinical experience. And it’s not an expensive investment either. I know that many men prefer to keep their intimate lives completely private, so your entire process will be absolutely confidential.
As soon as your payment is confirmed, you will receive an email with all the instructions to start the STRONG MAN Protocol. This email will contain a link to access the videos, guided exercises, and supporting material that will accompany you in this transformation.
If you have already made your decision, don’t let this opportunity slip away. Imagine the freedom of leaving behind all the anxiety and limitations you face today. Think about the confidence you will have to engage without fear, having complete control over your performance.
Now is the time to act.
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Carlos Souza
💪 I started the Strong Man Protocol a week ago and I’m already seeing results! It has increased my energy and disposition. I highly recommend it!
Reply – Like – Follow – 12 Minutes
Marcelo Ribeiro
I was skeptical, but decided to give it a try. The protocol is well structured and easy to follow. I’m surprised by the results!
Reply – Like – Follow – 60 Minutes
Melqui S.
Congratulations on this initiative! It’s great to see products that really help men take care of their health in a practical way. 👏
Reply – Like – Follow – 71 Minutes
Gustavo Alves
What I liked most was the simplicity of the advice. It’s not complicated, you can adapt it to your routine. I’m thrilled!
Reply – Like – Follow – 122 Minutes
I’ve tried other programs, but this one is different! I feel more focused and motivated. It’s worth it!
Reply – Like – Follow – 212 Minutes
Cláudio Roberto Silva
This protocol really does make a difference! Not just physically, but mentally too.
Reply – Like – Follow – 320 Minutes
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